Welcome to Windy City Slam, wrestling coverage from the heart of Chicago and beyond.
Live from Cantigny VFW in Joliet, it’s Freelance Underground!
Hunk Kasady walks to the ring before the pre-show tag team match.
Darius Latrell enters the ringside area before the pre-show tag team match.
Davey Bang poses before the pre-show tag team match.
Darius Latrell, left, and his partner Hunk Kasady.
Darius Latrell gives a shot to Shawn Callaway in the corner.
Darius Latrell chokes Shawn Callaway in the corner.
The referee admonishes Darius Latrell.
Darius Latrell remains in control of Shawn Callaway in the corner.
Davey Bang dropkicks Hunk Kasady.
Davey Bang gets the pin on Hunk Kasady to win the pre-show tag team match.
Davey Bang, left, and Shawn Callaway are victorious!
Ring announcer Kirby Van Vliet.
Jesus Bryce enters the arena for his match against Joey Marx.
Jesus Bryce takes off his mask.
Fans greet Joey Marx before his match against Jesus Bryce.
Joey Marx, left, and Jesus Bryce have a staredown.
Joey Marx has the headlock on Jesus Bryce.
Joey Marx delivers the dropkick on Jesus Bryce.
Jesus Bryce controls Joey Marx.
Jesus Bryce finishes off Joey Marx.
Ashtyn Braven enters the ringside area for the six-man scramble match.
Matt Knicks enters the ring for the six-man scramble match.
Craven enters the ringside area for the six-man scramble match.
Roy “Flash” Gordon enters the ringside area for the six-man scramble match.
Kenny Sutra enters the ringside area for the six-man scramble match.
Danger Mask enters the ringside area for the six-man scramble match.
Matt Knicks prepares to armdrag Roy Gordon.
Craven, left, faces off with Kenny Sutra.
Danger Mask dives onto several opponents.
Ashtyn Braven suicide dives onto his foes below.
Craven dives onto his opponents in the six-man scramble match.
Kenny Sutra looks to take over Roy Gordon.
Danger Mask is the winner of the six-man scramble match.
Barry Ryte, left, and Cody Jones before their tag team match with the Brothers of Funstruction.
The Brothers of Funstruction, Yabo and Ruffo, enter the ringside area.
Ruffo, of the Brothers of Funstruction, enters the ringside area.
The Brothers of Funstruction before their tag team match against Barry Ryte and Cody Jones.
Barry Ryte, right, wants to take the balloon from Yabo.
Yabo is about to deliver some popcorn to Cody Jones as Ruffo holds down Jones.
Cody Jones gets a popcorn shower.
Barry Ryte and Cody Jones get a popcorn shower from the Brothers of Funstruction.
Paloma Starr takes exception with the Brothers of Funstruction’s tactics.
Cody Jones pops a balloon.
The Brothers of Funstruction, Ruffo and Yabo, are victorious.
Joe Alonzo comes out for his match against Pat Monix for the Freelance Underground Independent Championship.
Freelance Underground Independent Champion Pat Monix enters the ringside area.
Joe Alonzo looks to get the jump on Pat Monix.
Pat Monix delivers a kick to Joe Alonzo.
Joe Alonzo with the Boston Crab on Pat Monix.
Pat Monix looks to toss Joe Alonzo back into the ring.
Joe Alonzo delivers a knee to Pat Monix.
Pat Monix pins Joe Alonzo.
And still Freelance Underground Independent Champion Pat Monix!
There seemed to be some postmatch respect between Joe Alonzo, left, and Pat Monix.
Elayna Black enters the arena for the women’s tag team match.
Hyan enters the ringside area for the women’s tag team match.
It’s a unicorn party with Laynie Luck!
Laynie Luck enters the ring before the women’s tag team match.
Kylie Rae enters the ringside area for the women’s tag team match.
“Smiley” Kylie Rae is back on the Chicago independent scene!
Kylie Rae poses before the match.
Kylie Rae armdrags Elayna Black.
Elayna Black reveals a tarot card to Kylie Rae.
Kylie Rae cowers away from Elayna Black and her tarot card.
Elayna Black during the women’s tag team match.
Laynie Luck and Kylie Rae get ready to double Irish whip Hyan.
Kylie Rae and Laynie Luck double dropkick Hyan.
Hyan backs up Kylie Rae.
Elayna Black has Kylie Rae in a compromising position.
Elayna Black prepares to suplex Kylie Rae.
Hyan has the advantage on Kylie Rae.
Hyan hits Snake Eyes on Kylie Rae in the corner.
Inspired by the fans at ringside, Kylie Rae makes the tag to Laynie Luck.
Laynie Luck hits a cutter on Hyan, leading to the victory in the women’s tag team match.
Laynie Luck celebrates with fans at ringside.
Kylie Rae, left, and Laynie Luck poses after their victory.
Tony Nas enters the ringside area for his match against Storm Grayson.
Tony Nas, left, and Storm Grayson get ready to square off.
Tony Nas, right, chops Storm Grayson outside the ring.
Storm Grayson takes it to Tony Nas on the outside.
Tony Nas controls Storm Grayson.
Storm Grayson hits a suicide dive on Tony Nas.
Storm Grayson drops the top-rope elbow on Tony Nas.
Tony Nas attempts to powerbomb Storm Grayson.
Gringo Loco enters the arena for the four-way Freelance Underground Championship match.
Isaias Velazquez enters the arena for the four-way Freelance Underground Championship match.
Egotistico Fantastico enters the arena for the four-way Freelance Underground Championship match.
GPA enters the arena for the four-way Freelance Underground Championship match.
Freelance Underground Champion GPA before the four-way title match.
The main event of Egotistico Fantastico vs. Gringo Loco vs. GPA vs. Isaias Velazquez for Freelance Underground Championship.
GPA and Isaias Velazquez go for the early double-team on Gringo Loco.
GPA tries to get away from Gringo Loco in the corner.
Freelance Underground Champion GPA does the Hulk Hogan “ear cup.”
Egotistico Fantastico whips GPA across the ring.
Egotistico Fantastico holds up GPA for a vertical suplex.
Isaias Velzaquez goes after Egotistico Fantastico in the corner.
GPA chokes Egotistico Fantastico in the corner.
Egotistico Fantastico confronts Isaias Velazquez in the corner.
Isaias Velazquez breaks up GPA’s pin attempt on Gringo Loco.
Egotistico Fantastico dropkicks GPA.
Gringo Loco looks to finish off Isaias Velazquez.
The Tower of Doom!
Egotistico Fantastico puts GPA in the surfboard.
Gringo Loco cries out in pain after tweaking his knee.
GPA sneaks in to pin Egotistico Fantastico, who has Isaias Velazquez in the surfboard.
GPA exults in victory as he successfully defended the Freelance Underground Championship.
Egotistico Fantastico has GPA’s Freelance Underground title in his grasp.
GPA left the Cantigny VFW still the Freelance Underground Champion!
Egotistico Fantastico greets fans at ringside after the show concluded.