5 young local independent wrestling acts destined for major promotion
By Mike Pankow
August 4, 2021
The quality of wrestling talent on the Chicago independent scene has been robust and abundant and the last few years have been no exception.
The recent signings of Cora Jade (aka Elayna Black) and Joey Ariola with NXT and “Captain” Shawn Dean with AEW are an indication of local wrestlers catching the eye of major national companies.
With over a dozen promotions running shows regularly in the Chicago area alone, there are plenty of names and faces to keep an eye on.
Here are five young local independent acts who have displayed the potential to earn contracts with a major promotion (this is not meant to be an exhaustive list):
Laynie Luck
Laynie Luck (Photo by Mike Pankow)
“The Too Turnt Party Unicorn” has held numerous titles in the Chicago area, including the Freelance Underground Independent Championship, which she has held for the last 20 months. Luck’s near two-year reign as Zelo Pro Women’s Champion recently ended at the hands of Jordynne Grace.
After starting her career in Texas, wrestling for places such as Booker T’s Reality of Wrestling, Luck moved the Chicago area a few years ago and became very popular in Freelance Wrestling, Freelance Underground and Zelo Pro.
Luck possesses a diverse move set – a combination of Lucha Libre, technical wrestling and high flying – and has competed on a high level against a variety of opponents, including men and women, veterans and youngsters. She recently wrestled some matches on Ring of Honor’s Women’s Division Wednesday.
Working hard on perfecting her craft, Luck often trains with her fiancé GPA – the longtime Freelance Undergrond Championship and inaugural Zelo Pro Champion – with portions of those sessions posted on her Instagram.
Luck already has started gaining some traction nationally, ranking in both the Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) 500 and PWI’s Women’s 100 last year. She ranked an impressive 50th in the women’s rankings.
The Bang Bros. (Davey Bang & August Matthews)
Davey Bang, left, and August Matthews, right. (Photo by Mike Pankow)
Though booked together often as The Bang Bros. in a tag team action for companies such as Freelance Underground, Freelance Wrestling, Zelo Pro and Warrior Wrestling, Bang and Matthews have shown great potential as singles wrestler as well.
Bang recently had a strong showing against Luck during Freelance Underground’s debut of its Phase In show on IWTV.live recently. He’s also wrestled in multi-man scramble contests, showing off his high-flying abilities. He often uses energy drinks to fuel himself up for matches.
Matthews also possesses a great aerial arsenal and is great at selling attacks from bigger opponents. Freelance Underground management sings high praises for Matthews’ future in the business.
As a team, The Bang Bros. recently defeated Freelance Undergound Tag Team Champions The Brothers of Funstruction in a three-way, non-title match at FU’s Back To Church Street: Part Brew in June.
The Freelance Wrestling Academy students both recently turned 21, so there’s plenty of time for them to grow further and become bigger stars.
Storm Grayson
Storm Grayson (Photo by Mike Pankow)
The West suburban native Grayson has really grown over the last year or so during the pandemic, getting into the best shape of his career with a vegan diet and working hard to improve his style in the ring with some time training in Japan.
Formerly known as “The Green Kid,” Grayson has put on some strong matches under the Freelance/Freelance Underground banner within the last year, main-eventing “Chicago’s Secret Stash” against Robert “Ego” Anthony in a Freelance Wrestling Legacy Championship match. He has also wrestled against JJ Garrett and former IWTV Independent Champion Lee Moriarty.
Grayson also has been a regular part of Zelo Pro as part of The Blackheart Battalion with “Filth King” Nick Brubaker and Jason Hades. His star keeps rising and he’ll get another big opportunity this weekend when he wrestles as part of AAW’s Pro ALIVE taping.
Trevor Outlaw
Trevor Outlaw (Photo by Mike Pankow)
“Yours Rudely” has burst on the Chicago scene with some classic heel in-ring work and great skills on the microphone.
Starting out at the Freelance Wrestling Academy and graduating from the Nightmare Factory in Georgia, Outlaw has enriched his in-ring work over the last few months under the tutelage of AEW Vice President Cody Rhodes. Outlaw has great amateur experience as a well from his day at Sandburg High School in Orland Park.
Outlaw secured his first win in Freelance Underground, defeating veteran Acid Jaz after some interference from Kota Hernandez during FU’s Phase In series on IWTV.live. He recently formed a working partnership with nefarious manager Frank The Clown in Zelo Pro. Popular independent performers Effy and Danhausen were among some of his recent opponents.
Outlaw also wrestles for Freelance Wrestling and Warrior Wrestling, where he also debuted as a backstage correspondent during Warrior’s last Stadium Series in July. His appearances on Windy City Slam Podcast rate as some of the most-downloaded episodes in the history of the show.
Axel Rico
Axel Rico (Photo by Mike Pankow)
The charismatic Puerto Rican, who now makes his home in the Chicago area, is making waves in Chicago Style Wrestling (where he began his training), CSW Northland, Galli Lucha Libre, WOWT and AAW Pro.
A four-year veteran, Rico garners his influence from WWE Hall of Famer and former WCW star Eddie Guerrero.
Versed in improv, Rico has shown versatility in both his in-ring style and with his character. His association with La Sociedad Boricua along with Rico De la Vega and Chuco has been a boon for his career and has helped him get some exposure in AAW.
Rico has been embroiled in a fun, yet intense, intergender rivalry with Skye Blue in Galli. He recently won a Futures Battle Royal in Chicago Style Wrestling and recently earned a shot at the CSW Metra Division Championship against now-former champion Jake From Wrestling.
The sky is the limit for the colorful Rico with his unique hairstyle and mustache.
Catch Windy City Slam editor Mike Pankow talking local and national pro wrestling every week with Chicago-area wrestling guests on Windy City Slam Podcast, part of the Broadcast Basement On-Demand Radio Network. Episodes drop early Tuesday morning wherever you download podcasts or at https://windycityslam.podbean.com/.
We are looking for guests to appear on future episodes of the Windy City Slam Podcast! Please contact Mike at mikepankow@windycityslam.com, message him on Facebook or DM him on Twitter.